Top 10 afternoon teas in London

Photographer: Mon amour

TOP 10 AFTERNOON TEAS IN LONDON. I have been to over 20 afternoon tea  sessions in London and I have truly gathered a lot of knowledge regarding what makes a divine high tea experience and not. I still have many places on my list that I would like to experience during this coming year and perhaps I will find new spots in the city that will enter my list of the best high tea places. I would like to share some of my personal favourites when it comes to afternoon tea, each of this places offer something unique and amazing! What I am looking for when I am judging a afternoon tea experience is everything from the serivce, the presentation, the knowledge regarding the tea selection, the surrounding and ambience and of course the quality of the pastries & scones as well as if they offer that little extra that takes the whole experience to the next level, I add up all of these different aspects and then I can give them my final grade.

TOP 10 AFTERNOON TEAS IN LONDON. Jag har varit på över 20 afternoon teas i London nu och har verkligen byggt upp en kunskap kring vad som gör en bra afternoon tea upplevelse och inte. Jag har många platser på min lista som jag vill uppleva detta år, jag vill fylla på min kunskap och se om man hittar nya platser som toppar den lista man hittills har byggt upp. Här kommer några av mina personliga favoriter, alla erbjuder något unikt och fantastiskt på denna lista. Det jag letar efter när jag bedömer en afternoon tea upplevelse är allt från servicen som man upplever till presentation, kunskapen kring teerna som presenteras, omgivningen och miljön man befinner sig i samt kvalitén på bakverken, the finger sandiwiches samt deras scones. Samt om de erbjuder det där lilla extra som höjer hela upplevelsen en nivå, allt detta skapar en helhet som jag värderar.

Brown’s Hotel –  I have been here several times to enjoy their afternoon tea and there is a reason why I keep coming back, their excellent service and knowledge in the world of teas is amazing. It feels like you are in your British mansion on the countryside when you sit and listen to the pianist play and you sip on your perfectly made tea. The scones are always excellent and their finger sandwiches are always so moist and divine. An all around excellent high tea experience! It works just as great to come here with your family, friends or partner.

Location: 33 Albemarle Street, London

The Berkeley – This is a fun and chic afternoon tea experience to enjoy with your girlfriends! They have their own take on the high tea experience called ‘Prêt-a-Portea’. A very creative and chic way of serving a high tea through the eyes of the fashion world. Each season they update the high tea menu and the pastries you eat are all inspired from the runways around the world. I especially love their cocktail menu!

Location: Wilton Place, Knightbridge, London

Claridge’s – I love this legendary hotel in London, the afternoon tea experience is very classy and very British!  The service was outstanding and their tea competence was amazing. I learnt so much about tea when I was here and our personal tea sommelier took us through the entire session with a constant smile on our faces. The pastries were truly divine and I love the surrounding. I will be back for more!

Location: 49 Brook Street, London

 The Ritz -This is one of the most famous afternoon teas in England and you need to book well in advance to get a table. This is the perfect place to come to for Christmas and Easter or other big celebrations. I was here during Christmas and I loved their Christmas high tea and the live choir singing for us.

Location: 340 King Street, London

Ham Yard Hotel – This is a very modern and chic version of an afternoon tea experience, I love the modern setting at the beautiful Ham Yard Hotel. This is where you go with your friends, partner or family for a more relaxed setting but you still want to keep the high quality of the food.  I still remember the pastries like it was yesterday, the red velvet macarons and the chocolate ganache cake were truly divine.

Location: One Ham Yard, London

 The Savoy – One of the best afternoon teas in London. Everything from the  interior design, the ambience, all the history that surrounds you in this stunning venue to the juicy finger sandwiches and delicious pastries.

Location: 2 Savoy Ct, Strand, London

 The Lanesborough – The most stunning afternoon tea venue in my opinion, this room has so much light, stunning original stucco and everything feels so royal. The service is impeccable, the tea selection is divine and everything from the pastries to the finger sandwiches and scones are pure perfection. One of my all time favourite afternoon tea experiences.

Location: Hyde Park Corner, London

 Milestone Hotel – This afternoon tea experience is so cozy. The Milestone Hotel is a super British boutique hotel with so much history attached to it. The afternoon tea room is intimate and they don’t offer that many afternoon tea tables so make sure to make a booking in advance if you plan to come here.

Location: 1 Kensington Ct, Kensington, London

 The Mandarin Oriental – This afternoon tea experience is so chic! They have a bit more of a modern touch to their afternoon tea experience, it has a bit more of a light and airy feel to it. The space is stunningly decorated and the quality of the food and tea selection is impeccable. Loved it.

Location: 66 Knightsbridge, London

 Corinthia Hotel – A modern twist to a classic afternoon tea experience. I love the playful porcelain, the beautiful display of pastries and cakes. The light and airy feel of the room. A wonderful afternoon tea experience that you should not miss when in London.

Location: Whitehall Place, Westminster, London

The Goring – One of my all time favourite hotels in London. This place has a kind of magic in the air that you can feel. I have stayed at The Goring several times and the experience you get here is always extraordinary. Their afternoon tea experience is absolutely wonderful, the setting, the ambiance, the quality of the food and beverage, everything is at its highest quality. I absolutely love it here!

Location: 15 Beeston Pl, Westminster, London

Afternoon tea at The Lanesborough

Afternoon tea at The Savoy

The marvellous finger sandwiches at The Savoy

Afternoon tea at The Ham Yard Hotel

Afternoon tea at The Lanesborough

The stunning pink pastries at The Lanesborough

Flying afternoon tea at The Mandarin Oriental

The gorgeous porcelain at The Mandarin Oriental

Afternoon tea at The Ritz

Afternoon tea at The Ritz

Afternoon tea at Claridge’s

24 thoughts on “Top 10 afternoon teas in London

  1. Matilda says:

    Hej Malin! Härligt det låter, jag har flera gånger undrat vad skillnaden är mellan afternoon tea och high tea, som du brukar skriva? Kan du inte berätta lite mer? Vore intressant! Sen har jag en liten feedback på din annars fina sida, när du börjar det svenska stycket i din text så tycker jag att den tjocka texten först i stycket också bör skrivas på svenska, känns konstigt att det svenska stycket har samma engelska rubrik som stycket ovan. Om du förstår hur jag menar! 🙂

    1. AFashionistasGuide says:

      Tack för din fina kommentar! Jag har varit väldigt förvirrad själv gällande om man ska säga afternoon tea, high tea eller cream tea. Vad jag har förstått så är afternoon tea och cream tea båda något man kan säga men tydligen så finns det en splittrande mening gällande att high tea är fel då det historiskt sett var något arbetarklassen i England gjorde. Men jag vet inte, är fortfarande lite förvirrad gällande det, det känns som att alla använder olika.

      Absolut, jag förstår precis vad du menar med att inledningen på den svenska sektionen borde vara på svenska och inte engelska men det är av estetiska skäl som jag har det så, så det ska se enhetligt ut. Kram!

    2. Olympia says:

      Matilda as a person living in UK let me clear this up!

      Afternoon tea is mini sandwiches and cakes with ☕. Cream tea is Scones/jam/clotted cream.

      High tea would be the meal you give the kids after school at about 5pm as opposed to supper which you eat as adults at 7/8pm. Here kids always have their tea (food) on their own and it’s called ‘tea’ or ‘tea time’.

      1. Sofia says:

        I beg to differ. Some of us actually eat a family dinner with the children. To me at least it is a ridiculous tradition that the children should have s separate meal with different food.

        In the north of England most people refer to their evening meal as “tea” and lunchtime meal as dinner. Just to add to the confusion ?

        1. Olympia says:

          I know we also have our tea with out kids as often as possible but most of the time our nanny feeds them and gets them ready for bed as both me and my husband arrives home after 7 ish. We live in London and kids go to bed around 7-7.30 here (early years). Works at the office in Sweden tho.

  2. ISA says:

    har faktiskt aldrig varit på afternoon-tea. Men tack för tips iaf! känns som ett måste när man är i London 🙂

    1. AFashionistasGuide says:

      Omg! Du måste uppleva ett afternoon tea i London, det är så underbart, gott och avslappnande! Kram!

  3. Marie says:

    Hej Malin!
    Tack för en härligt inspirerande blogg. Det ser ju hur läckert ut som helst. Jag skulle vilja fråga dig om du har några bra söndags-brunch-tips här i Stockholm?Det är dags på söndag och jag har idétorka! Kram!

    1. AFashionistasGuide says:

      Hej Marie! Tack finaste du! Roligt att du gillar det nya konceptet på bloggen! Jag har spanat in den nya brunch menyn på T/Bar och den ser fantastisk ut, det skulle kunna vara något! Kram!

      1. SaraF says:

        Tack för hjälpen. Ska kolla in sajten du tipsade om.

        Och till Marie som vill ha brunchtips Clarions American Table vid Norra Bantoget är underbart. Se till att boka men underbart utbud, internationella gäster för ca 300 per person.

        1. AFashionistasGuide says:

          Hoppas du gillar den! Vad gulligt av dig att lämna ett tips till Marie! Kram!

        2. Marie says:

          Tack, ni båda! Jag ska absolut kolla in dem bägge. 🙂

          1. AFashionistasGuide says:

            Hoppas det smakar! Om du har fler frågor så tveka inte att höra av dig! Kram!

    2. Sofia says:

      Om du vill ha buffé kan jag tipsa om Villa Källhagen.

    1. AFashionistasGuide says:

      Afternoon tea är verkligen fantastiskt! Tyvärr så finns det inte så många bra i Stockholm, förhoppningsvis så kommer det ändras inom de kommande åren! Kram!

  4. Sara says:

    Hej Malin, Har du några tips på bra vintage-butiker för lyxmärken i Stockholm. Vet att det finns flera på Östermalm.

    Gillar nya bloggen men saknar lite av det personliga från den förra men hur som; keep up the good work.

    1. AFashionistasGuide says:

      Tack för din kommentar! Det personliga i bloggens finns kvar men just nu senaste 1-2 veckorna har det varit med redaktionellt material som jag skapat. Jag tycker inte det finns några bra vintage butiker i Stockholm, jag tycker du ska vända dig mot internationella webshoppar som exempelvis:

      Jag har tyvärr sätt att många vintagebutiker i Stockholm säljer fakeprodukter så jag skulle inte rekommendera det! Kram!

  5. Emma Hå says:

    Det där fashion-teet skulle jag vilja prova om jag var i London någon gång. Det skulle vara kul om du skrev ut vad det kostade med =)

    //Emma Hå

    1. AFashionistasGuide says:

      Det var en underbar te-upplevelse! Ett absolut måste om man gillar te och mode! Absolut, det skulle kunna vara något för framtida artiklar! Kram!

  6. Melanie says:

    What a great blog post and its selections. Do you happend to know if it is very difficult to book an afternoon tea session at The Goring and The Ritz? Which of these two would you prefer and why, if I might ask? I love the work you are doing. Top quality on everything.

  7. Sarah says:

    Great post! Do you know if one of these places has a pianist?


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