Dress from Tibi, necklace from Anton Heunis and bag from Rochas.
1. How did you find your apartment in Paris? How much does it cost per month? Do you have a budget?
I used the agency Paris Attitude to find my apartment. They take a fee to help you find your apartment but it is totally worth it, I am very pleased with them. I will pay 1 400 euro per month for my apartment. You must have a budget in Paris, it is so easy to splurge in food, fashion and other activities. I have a budget that I will try to keep. He he. But it will be very tempting to splurge with all the gorgeous fashion around me.
2. What area will you be living in in Paris?
My apartment is located in the area called St Germain de pres. It is a very romantic, vibrant and chic area. Great shopping and it is filled with cafés and restaurants. I am so excited to get to know my area better! You will take part of it all, bien sûr!
3. For how long will you be living in Paris?
It all depends on how much I will love it. But I am guessing that won’t be the issue. He he. I am planning to stay until November as for now. Going back to Stockholm during the summer.
4. What will you be doing in Paris?
I will continue to work with my blog and my company. I will also be working on a few projects, all related to the blog. But first of all why I decided to move back to Paris is because I think it is such a gorgeous city full of inspiration and a culture that I love. I just want to soak it all in and live, love and laugh! Sounds super cheesy! I am 23 and this is the perfect age to do an adventure like this. I have nothing to loose just a lot of experience to gain!
5. Do you speak fluent french? Will you study while in Paris?
I lived in Paris for 2 years with my family when I was younger. When we moved back I was fluent in french but that was 8 years ago now. He he. I am a bit rusty I must admit. But all the knowledge is in my head. All the vocabulary and grammar just need to be activated again! And what better way to do so than to move back to the country where the language is spoken? I am thinking about taking a course in french perhaps two times a week. Just to speed it up a little. He he.
If you have any more questions, just let me know!