Photographer: Mon amour
10 THINGS TO DO AND SEE IN SAINT PAUL DE VENCE. One of my all time favourite little mountain villages in the South of France is without hesitation Saint Paul de Vence. This little village has such history and charm, filled with countless of antique stores, art galleries and neat little boutiques selling curated fashion and accessories. They also have the most picturesque little Relais & Chateau property located in the village, Hotel le Saint-Paul which I love. It’s the perfect boutique hotel for a romantic get away. We ate dinner at their restaurant one night and the ambiance is absolutely magical and the food and beverage experience is absolutely mouth watering. Johan surprised me during our dinner with a present, an absolutely stunning sapphire/diamond bracelet that goes perfectly with my engagement rings.
I wanted to share my 10 favourite things to see and do in Saint Paul de Vence in this post so here we go! I hope you will find some new favourites!
Le Tilleul – Enjoy a romantic dinner here and make sure to book a table outside with the best sunset view. This place has such an amazing ambiance.
La Colombe d’Or – An absolutely stunning 5 star boutique hotel. Perfect for a romantic get away or make sure to stop by for lunch or dinner. The garden it absolutely beautiful.
Fragonard – Be sure to pay this boutique a visit. I love Fragnoard and I always make sure to stop by to buy souvenirs and presents for friends and family.
Le Saint Paul – The perfect restaurant to enjoy a romantic date night with your loved one.
Musée Renoir – Saint Paul de Vence is filled with so much beautiful art to discover as well as museums, Musée Renoir being one of them, a must visit when in town.
Le Petite Cave de Saint Paul – If you are a wine lover make sure to stop by Le Petite Cave de Saint Paul and buy some wine from local producers. They have a great selection.
Les Gourmandises – My favourite ice cream in Saint Paul de Vence can be found right here. I love their salted caramel flavour as well as their peach flavour.
Foundation Maeght – One of the most famous art galleries in Saint Paul de Vence. A must visit when in town.
The Folon Chapel – Discover the design work of Jean-Michel Folon by visiting this chapel. Folon’s close collaboration with village craftsmen, his stained glass designs, sculptures, and fascination with light, are all keys to understanding his world and his conception of art.
Grande Fontaine – This square has always been the busiest spot in the village. From dawn until dusk villagers would come to fetch water, donkeys and mules would drink, and washerwomen would scrub and beat their laundry in the washhouse. The square also hosted the weekly market in the 17th century.

What a stunning bracelet! It also suits your tennis bracelet perfectly! xo
Thank you so much, I love it so! xo
Tack för alla fina tips samt en inspirerande blogg! 🙂
Tack finaste du! Kram!
Har ni kvällar som inte är date-night när ni är på resa?
Ja, ca 80% av resan spenderade vi med vänner så detta var en av få date nights vi hade.
Vilka fantastiskt vackra bilder, du fullkomligt strålar! Tack för en härligt inspirerande blogg, har hängt med sedan du startade 2007 och det har varit så inspirerande att följa din resa genom åren 🙂
Tack finaste du, det värmer att höra! Vad roligt att du hängt med så länge på bloggen! Känns nästan helt overkligt att jag bloggat i över 12 års tid nu! Time flies! Kram!
Vilket magiskt armband du fick i present! Hur många carat är det?
Tycker det är så himla vackert när man blandar safirer och diamanter ihop! Armbandet är ca 3 carat, så samma storlek som mitt tennisarmband så dom matchar storleksmässigt när jag bär dom samtidigt. Kram!
GRATTIS till er nya lägenhet! Vart flyttar ni? Kommer ni renovera lite eller kan ni flytta in direkt?
Tack fina du! Vi flyttar till Lärkstaden, det ska bli så kul! Vi kommer renovera lite, slipa lite, måla, tapetsera, lite piff här och var men det kommer inte bli en lika stor produktion som på Jungis! Kram!
Vad spännande med ny lägenhet, när får ni tillträde?
Verkligen superkul! Vi får tillträde i mitten utav oktober! Kram!
Åh vad kul! Ska bli så kul att följa! 🙂
Grattis till nya lägenheten! Vad roligt för er! 🙂
Tack så mycket! Kram!